Grocery List - 4.11.13

Albertson's - see app
Ziplock freezer bags
Brown sugar
Milk bones
Tomato paste 2/$1
Almond ext
Bottled water 2/$5
Gr turkey 5@$3.99

----check prices at Smith's----
Marjoram (produce or spices) 5
Beets 3
Bananas 2
Grapes 2
Oregano 5
Basil 5
Rosemary 5
Hot house tomatoes 2
Garlic 2

Fuji Apples 12 @ .68¢lb
Sweet potatoes 4 @ .88¢lb
Eggs $1.50

Smiths (Kroger's) - get card
Roma Tomatoes 20 lbs @ .89¢lb
Vidal sassoon Conditioner C
Vitamins BOGO free

The above is my list for this morning. Decoding it is pretty easy, but prices sway where I go for certain things. Glazier's is a locally owned (most of the time expensive) grocery store but they actually beat the prices at my regular one stop shop, Albertsons, so did Smiths (also known as Kroger's).

I usually check for coupons twice a week: Once on Monday and then another sweep Thursday morning before I head out. The grocers here, in Las Vegas, tend to put out their ads in the mail on Tuesdays and run the ad sale from Wednesday-Tuesday. I remember living in Texas and it was Monday-Sunday, but whatever. :)

Here are the links I recommend this week for coupons:

I generally visit more than the above three, but here lately the other sites seem less reliable. There are coupons for C&H Agave liquid sugar if you can get your browser to print it. Redplum doesn't like me this week. ;)

I'll update this once I get home and see what my total comes to be! :)


So I ended up getting 2 weeks worth of groceries, 5 weeks of tomatoes for spaghetti sauce, and some of the deals were also misleading.

The tomatoes were well worth buying, for my household anyway. Not everyone will buy 20lbs of Roma tomatoes, and I definitely got some funny looks needless to say! lol Definitely living in the desert drives the prices of those bad boys to the roof. Usually they're a $1.29lb. Win!
The Fuji apples were on sale because they were really bad. I'm talking bruised beyond belief. So I ended up getting 4 and got 5 more of a different kind for my husband's lunches. Bad thing? No! Bruised, cheap, apples can be easy to dehydrate. I'll have to put my recipe on here another day, but they turned out nice. :)
Now, I'm super picky when it comes to buying produce, and seeing the other two stores' produce selection that I normally do not go to, you bet your buttons i'm sticking with Albertson's. I did finally find marjoram at Smiths, so I bought the lot to make my own Italian seasoning. (another thing i'll have to blog the recipe for) 
Also, while in the foil/ziplock/container aisle at Albertson's, I found ::reusable:: freezer containers. Perfect for freezing the tomatoes in.
In the end, I spent about 3 hours shopping and spent around 200$ stocking up. At the end of it all I saved around 100$ and had about 40 bags full of groceries!

Until next week's shopping adventure,
Happy Baking! :)


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