The first thing you'll want to know is how to pick one out. Heaven forbid it's easy like finding an apple or a good bunch of bananas! :)
So depending on when you want to cut your pineapple, whether it be immediately or days, this is how you tell: At the top of the pineapple, where those funky leaves are, try to pull one out from the center. If it comes out easily it's ripe, if it take a few tugs it's not and can sit on the counter for a bit. Also, the more lighter yellow on the pineapple's trunk/bark, the more ripe it is.
So, here's my pineapple!
I wanted it to be a bit unripened, because my week was busy and I had nooo idea when i'd get around to cutting it!
So the first thing you want to do is take the top "leaves" off. Just grab the lot, twist and pull it off.
So, it kind of looks naked now, but it's cool.
(See the yellowing compared to when I first got it? That's a ripe!)
Now, for me, because I let it sit on the counter for... days, and if you did, too, put it upside down on a plate and stick it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
This allows the juices that collected on the bottom to re-juice the top.
So once your 30 minutes is up, or you're ready to cut, we'll start with the ends. Cut between 1-2 inches off both the top and bottom.
So, putting your pineapple on either end, you just start to cut the sides off.
Left overs!
If you have a melon scooper, that would be ideal, but a potato peeler will work just as good!
The goal is, is to get all those brown wells out and just incase, any "imperfections!"
When you cut your slices, there is a core that isn't so tasty, you'll see it. However thick or thin you cut your slices, just cut it out with your knife!
And that, my friends, is how you cut a pineapple! :)
Happy Baking!
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